Product Information: Shooters World Blackout Powder
Shooters World Blackout is a smokeless powder formulated specifically for .300 AAC Blackout loads. Blackout is formulated for use in a variety of rifle and magnum handgun calibers.
Shooters World Blackout powder is specifically tailored for the .300 AAC Blackout cartridge, making it an excellent choice for various applications. Whether you’re engaging in target shooting, hunting, or even suppressed shooting, Shooters World Blackout delivers reliable performance and consistent velocities. It is compatible with a range of bullet weights commonly used in the .300 AAC Blackout, providing versatility for shooters with different preferences and needs.
Blackout is a canister form of Lovex bulk propellant D063-02 and has a similar burn rate to Accurate No. 1680 in stock and CFE BLK in stock. Blackout Smokeless Powder is a clean burning powder that supplies port pressure for proper functioning with a subsonic projectile in AR platforms.
Shooters World Blackout Smokeless Powder is a clean burning fast-rifle powder. Blackout Smokeless Powder has a low muzzle flash signature. Blackout is a great choice for 223, 300 Blackout subsonic, 30-30 as well as some magnum handgun applications.
Specifications and Features:
- Fast rifle burn rate
- Great for 300 Blackout, 30-30 and lightweight .223 REM loads
- Cycles subsonic semi-auto AR’s well
- Flash suppressed
- Can be used in heavy magnum handgun
- Meters consistently to 0.1 grain
- Great for progressive loading machines
- Clean burning